
开云体育:Oil-immersed Distribution Transformer 开云体育:Overhead Fault indicator 开云体育:Automatic circuit recloser 开云体育:Indoor switchgear 开云体育:Cable accessories

𓃲 The fault indicator is used for P-P and P-G fault detection and line monitoring which installed on power line in overhead system and Ring Main Unit (RMU), switch station and indoor switchgear in underground system. After line fault occurred, The line operator can confirm the fault area and find out the fault point quickly by assistance of fault indicator alarm. Integrated by communication, it can used in fault locating system to transfer the fault signal to terminal equipment and background system.

ꦿ CREAT started fault indicator business since 1989, totally 5 million fault indicators used in domestic market and international market. We owned fault indicator technology patent of invention, and a lot of application patent.

ಌ●New generation overhead fault indicator (FI-3A9F)
ꦯ●Design, manufacture and test accordance with IEEE 495 standard.




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