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Fault Locating System 开云体育:说明书下载
The fault locating system (FLS) is an effective and automatically fault detecting system based on fault indicator technology, GSM/GPRS communication technology and Geographic Information System ( GIS) technology, and it is also a smart fault locating management system of distributing surveillance, centralized management and timely notification with remotely information transferring ability. The FLS used for detecting and locating of fault point in power distribution system, include phase to phase fault(P-P) and phase to ground fault(P-G). The fault locating software in control center coordinates with lot of fault detecting and indicating devices in site, the fault location and time will be displayed in control center via GIS map in several minutes after fault occurred, which can assist the line operators arrive site and clean the fault to recovery power quickly, and improve the work efficiency and power system stability.

System features:
●Locate fault point accurately in 5 minutes, the detecting accuracy can reach 99% for P-P fault and 90% for P-G fault;
●50% investment can be saved compared to traditional solution;
●Live work is possible and no need restructure of primary equipment on the line.
●All equipment with high reliability and free maintenance;
●Reduced power off time, improve the power supply reliability hugely;
●Perfect extend and compatibility.





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