

CREAT Made a Stage Pose In Zhongguancun Science Park Youth Singer Competition Date:2017-09-25     Source:
In the evening of September 22nd, Ms. Ren Jianhua from Transformer Business Division of our company won the Excellence Award in the 10th Zhongguancun Science Park Youth Singer Competition hosted by working committee of Chinese Communist Youth League Committee of Haidian. Nearly 500 people from organizations like Central Communist Youth League, Zhongguancun Software Park and enterprises in the park etc., watched the game together.

෴ The shining stage, superior singer and passionate scene gave the audience a wonderful night. The completion was quite fierce and many were professionals. Ms. Ren Jianhua stood out from nearly 200 candidates and showed on the Finals with a classis song “Qinghai-Tibet Plateau”, which lead the scene to a climax. As an amateur player, Ms. Ren Jianhua fully demonstrated her glamor. 

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